The Workbench Team
The dedicated staff at the New England School of Architectural Woodworking works diligently to ensure that our students get the best possible education in woodworking, whether that leads to a career or a passion or both.
We appreciate your patience as we update our staff pages.

Greg Larson
School Director & Instructor
The Workbench
Margaret Larson
Marketing Director
The Workbench
Brian Mulcahy
Instructor & Owner of BCM Creative Woodwork
The Workbench
Dave Nauman
Instructor & Journeyman Cabinetmaker at Parisi, Inc.
The Workbench
Ryan Williams
Instructor & Cabinetmaker at VCA, Inc.
The Workbench
Glenn Leonard
Instructor & Owner of Leonard’s Fine Woodworks
The Workbench
Shop Dog
The Workbench
Shop Dog
The Workbench