Intro to Spindle Turning

This is the perfect introductory workshop for beginning turners. Spindle Turning (aka turning between centers) is a type of turning in which the wood blank is secured on both ends. In this workshop, you’ll turn a maple mallet for use in the workshop, the kitchen, or any place you need to pound something!

You’ll first learn the operation of the lathe and how to safely secure your rough maple stock during turning. Then the instructor will demonstrate in turn the proper use of basic turning tools, including the roughing gouge, spindle gouge and parting tool. As you practice using each tool and performing each technique, you will gradually turn your stock into a beautiful mallet.

We provide all safety equipment, hand tools and one lathe per student. Once you’ve completed this class, you may want to take Intro to Bowl Turning or Intermediate Spindle Turning.

Skills Learned

Lathe operation, securing stock between two centers, using the roughing gouge, spindle gouge and parting tool, sanding, and finishing.

All The Details

Cost: $85 (including materials)

Meeting Times: 2 Sessions 6:30 – 9:30 pm or 1 Saturday 9 am – 3 pm.

Prerequisite: None.

Please Bring: All tools and safety equipment are supplied.

Instructor: Brian Mulcahy

Recommended Tools: None.


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